Youth against Alcoholism and Drug Dependancy


What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a degenerative condition. It is the continued, elevating increase in and obsession with alcohol consumption. Alcoholism can begin by social pressures like drinking buddies or an attempt to offset job stress. It can also begin as an effort to temporarily "forget" pain from the past – things like childhood abuse, a job loss or a failed marriage.

Regular alcohol consumption will increase the body’s tolerance to and dependence upon the substance. This can even take the form of regular social drinking, seemingly harmless enough in most circles. However, if drinking is not kept in check, alcoholism can quickly develop.

The body will begin to experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches, irritation and nervousness when not able to have alcohol. These symptoms will perhaps be most acute in social settings. Because of the body’s growing tolerance to alcohol, larger amounts will be required to create the same buzz that may have only taken a couple of drinks early on in the alcoholism lifecycle.

As the cycle of alcoholism progresses, life changes will likely start to take effect. These could come in the form of job loss or family dysfunction and separation. The alcoholic will usually feel depressed, lethargic, hopeless and apathetic. Of course, these feelings will only serve to progress the alcoholism even further. It is possible that an alcoholic was never even taught methods of coping with life challenges other than drinking alcohol. Treatment centers can help educate on alternative coping methods, all part of the rehabilitation process. Ultimately, if left untreated, alcoholism can result in a variety of physical ailments and even death.

Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse

Many people can use alcohol with out abusing alcohol. Alcohol Abuse is when and individual drinks more then the recommended amount of alcohol in one sitting or over a period of time. For example one glass of wine consumed at dinner is considered alcohol consumption not alcohol abuse. However if a female consumes more that 3 alcoholic drinks or a male 4 alcoholic drinks in an evening then it is considered alcohol abuse.

Many people abuse alcohol on the occasional wedding or night out, this is not considered alcoholism. You can consume alcohol without abusing alcohol or you can abuse alcohol without being addicted to alcohol.

Alcoholism is the prolonged and continued abuse to alcohol. This typically includes an addiction to alcohol. The use of the alcohol continues despite any negative consequences of the consumption. Money, lost work time or jobs, lost friends, lost self respect, and the loss of health mean nothing to an individual in the grip of alcoholism.

Many alcoholics deny having a problem with alcohol or even other drug addictions. If you have a family member or a loved one in denial you may have to stage an intervention. There are many sources available on the internet, you local doctor, or local drug rehab centers that you can get intervention and treatment information from. If you know someone addicted to alcohol and any other drug getting informed and involved maybe that persons only hope of a positive outcome of the addiction. Addiction usually ends in one of three ways treatment, jail, or death.

Alcoholism Treatment in Today's World

In the last century the world has rapidly transformed. The industrial age has given way to the technological and informational age. This has created innovative ways of changing communication, the distribution of knowledge, business, entertainment, medical science, and everything else fundamental to our kind. While it has essentially brought people closer together by the introduction of the Internet, it has also desensitized our socially inclined race, by removing the necessity for physical contact. It has also portrayed drug and alcohol abuse as sophisticated and urban..

It has become the era of the "quick fix." Time has turned into an object of obsession, and we constantly look for the fastest, quickest ways, to feed ourselves, self medicate, transport, communicate, and to learn. Pharmaceutical companies are in their glory, as home remedies have been long forgotten, and life expectancy has been raised. There is a pill for everything now; a quick fix, that enables people to go on with their lives without any interruption. While these medications might work in the short-term, they are far from being adequately tested, and do nothing for the psychological effects induced by the problem.

There are other medications that deal with mental issues, but instead of finding the cause or possible solutions, doctors are quick to write prescriptions for anything that might lessen the symptoms. This often makes the situation worse. The medication not only does not directly or accurately address the real issue but it aggravates it. People are also over prescribed with a number of varying medications that they receive from multiple doctors or over the counter. Combining drugs is never a good idea, and can result in irreversible damage to the brain or the body. These ideas are also relevant to the area of alcoholism treatment.

Alcoholism is a very serious issue and should be treated with caution and delicacy. Too often alcoholism treatment centers, like the rest of the world, are prone for the quick fix. During detoxification and throughout the rest of treatment, doctors are at hand to prescribe medication for a variety of reasons. While it is sometimes necessary in severe cases to closely monitor the symptoms of withdrawal, treating substance abuse with medication can often ostracize the situation. It prohibits the obtainment of sobriety which is an essential first step in alcoholism treatment, and it often replaces one addiction with another.

Tranquilizers and other sedatives are also used in alcoholism treatment. While again, this might be deemed necessary, the likelihood of these particular individuals sustaining any help is slim. Without a clear head and willing involvement in the therapy and other sessions, the requisite work can not be accomplished. There are however alcoholism treatments and drug rehab programs that are homeopathic and do not believe in the use of prescribed medication.

Treatments are based upon the idea of scientology and use innovative sauna therapies to remove all traces of the addictive substance from the body. Instead of medication, the treatment plan consists of nutritionally balanced meals, vitamin, mineral supplements, and drug free detox or sauna detox. This is based upon the factual idea that if the body is healthy the individual will feel better mentally and emotionally, and will be more inclined to willingly involve themselves in treatment.

The simple monitoring of certain deficiencies can often reduce the symptoms that many alcoholics suffer from and that lead to use. Imbalances within the human body can create depression, anxiety, mood swings and other unhealthy feelings. In a dual-diagnosis situation both the mind and body must be treated for a successful recovery. Nutrition can do what medication can not. It can restore the body to it's natural health and metabolism. Medications can only artificially make one feel better, and are often accompanied by many side effects.