Youth against Alcoholism and Drug Dependancy




Youths Against Alcoholism And Drug Dependency

  Youth against Alcoholism and Drug Dependency (YADD) is an association of young people who having realized how substance abuse  damages the ability of the youth to act as free and conscious beings, capable of taking action to fulfill their needs; are working to fight alcoholism and substance abuse by promoting possibility oriented living. The organization traces its beginnings to 2006, when a group of students from the Midlands State University in Gweru, held informal meetings to share their experiences, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism and substance abuse. The use of both legal and illegal substances was seen to have many negative social and physiological health effects that include a great risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, STI’s, unintended pregnancy, sexual violence, criminal behavior, conflicts in social and family relationships and academic difficulties.